Did you know that when you get your heart broken, your body reacts the same way as if you experienced a traumatic event? Your brain even believes that you are physically hurt which is why you feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach and you can’t breathe at times. Another thing your brain does is pump your body full of cortisol and epinephrine.

An overabundance of cortisol tells your brain to send too much blood to your muscles, causing them to tense up, ostensibly for swift action.

The bottom line is heartbreaks suck! So what if I told you that there is a way to never get your heart broken again? Well there is! And in this week’s episode I share with you how you can NEVER EVER get your heart broken again.

Before you watch, here’s a little disclaimer: This practice will only work on people who are ready, people who are in the brinks of what is called a spiritual awakening or at least growth. Are you ready?


1. All of this is just a human experience. Our spirit is here to learn and graduate.

2. Life is bigger than you think.

3. We’re all doing the best that we can.

4. No one belongs to you.

5. Real love liberates.

In the comments below, share with us your tricks to healing from heartbreak.

Don’t forget to also share your thoughts and ideas for future episodes directly in the comment section.

Thank you SO very much for watching, commenting and sharing.

Your presence is a present to us and without you, AlexandraTV wouldn’t exist!

If you know people who are going through heartbreak, please share this post, as I am sure it can help them.

With all my love,


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