Being rich is a state of mind. Actually everything starts in the mind. Anything that you want to manifest in your external reality has to first exist in your internal reality. Becoming rich is not rocket science, to tell you the truth. You don’t need to have 3 degrees, or be born in a wealthy family or win the lottery, you can make it yourself and a lifetime is more than enough to do so. In this week’s AlexandraTV episode, I share with you the 5 steps the wealthy and millionaires use to acquire their riches.
1. Know your worth: what you think you are worth, the universe will give you. Believe you can and deserve to acquire riches.
2. Increase your value. The money you make is an instant representation of your internal value.
3. To have the things that other don’t, you will have to do the things that others won’t. You don’t get rich while partying and sleeping and working only 40 hours a week.
4. Stick to it.
5. Passive and multiple sources of revenue. You don’t get rich while working a 9 to 5.
In the comments below, give a shout out to someone who you know will one day be rich!
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If you see colleagues, friends or family members who are struggling with their worth or simply don’t understand what are the steps to becoming rich, please share this post.
With all my love,